
09:15-09:20Introduction and networking
Mr Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries
09:25-09:35 Context for implementing EAFM
Charlina Vitcheva, Director General, DG Maritime affairs and fisheries
09:35-09:45Work by ICES to develop a more holistic advice by incorporating ecosystem based considerations.
Speaker: Dr Mark Dickey-Collas, Chair of the Advisory Committee of ICES
09:45 -09:55International experiences in implementing an EAFM.
Speaker: Dr Robert L. Stephenson, Research Scientist, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and University of New Brunswick
09:55-10:05Q&A on the presentation/interactive tools
10:05-10:15Recent EU studies on the ecosystem approach to fisheries management.
Dr Gerjan Piet, Senior Scientist Marine Ecology at Wageningen Marine Research
Conor O’Kane, IT Director for MRAG
10:15-10:25Q&A on the presentation/interactive tools
10:25-10:55 Coffee break
10:55-11:55Panel discussion with stakeholders: 
“how to make EAFM more operational under the CFP in the future, what possible additional actions should be considered, particularly in the context of climate change, and what type of scientific advice and research this would require”.
Louis Lambrechts, Ocean Policy Officer, WWF
Els Torreele, National Correspondent DCF Belgium, ILVO Marine
Brian O’Riordan, Executive Secretary, LIFE Platform
11:55-12:05Q&A on the presentation/interactive tools
12:05-12:20Conclusions and closing
Fabrizio Donatella, Directorate C, DG MARE. Director General, DG Maritime affairs and fisheries
12.20 p.m.End of the seminar